The update is executed directly after creating the task. If there are other tasks scheduled for an earlier time, they are executed first.
Maintenance window (server time):
The update is executed within the platform maintenance window, see also section 7.12 Defining the maintenance window for UC Tenants.
Custom time
Click or to select the date or time for the update.
Target software version
Select the software version to which you want to update the UC Tenants.
Forced update
Activate the checkbox if update tasks for the selected UC Tenants may only be deleted by Platform level Administrators.
Activate the checkbox if you want the selected UC Tenants to be redeployed.
Send E-mail
Activate the checkbox if an email notification on the update should be sent to the Administrators of the appropriate Partner.
Send e-mail (customer)
Select the checkbox to send an e-mail notification about the update to the contact person of the corresponding customer company. You should have entered the corresponding e-mail address under General Settings of the UC Tenant, see 8.5 Editing the general settings for UC Tenants.