help • 8 Creating and editing UC Tenants • Editing UC Tenants
8.17 Editing UC Tenants
You can view all scheduled tasks for all UC Tenants. Additionally, you can postpone and delete update tasks which have been created but not yet implemented.
To edit UC Tenant Update tasks
1 Click in the menu on Platform | UC Tenant Tasks.
2 Click on Updates.
*A list appears with all planned update tasks.
UC Tenant
UC Tenant’s name
UC Tenant’s Partner
Target version
Software version planned or used for the UC Tenant
Type of execution point in time (immediate, Platform maintenance window or User-defined time)
Start time
(Earliest) begin of execution
= UC Tenant is used in productive operation
= UC Tenant is used in productive operation
For Test UC Tenants the remaining test duration is displayed, see also section 7.27 Defining the maximum test duration for UC Tenants.
= UC Tenant is used for free own use
Task can only be deleted by a Platform level Administrator
Current status of execution:
Task is in planning
Task is in progress
Task has been executed
Task failed
3 In the line of the appropriate task, click on to show more information:
Scheduled by
Administrator who has created the task
Latest start
(Latest) begin of execution
Task type
Short description of the task
Instance ID
Anonymized UC Tenant’s name
4 In the row of the corresponding task, click Select to edit the UC tenant for which the task is scheduled.
5 In the line of the appropriate update task, click on to postpone the task.
click on Reschedule selected tasks.
Set the new execution time for the task and optionally notify the affected partner.
6 In the line of the appropriate task, click on to delete a task
click on Delete all tasks
*The scheduled tasks selected are rejected, failed tasks are removed from the list.
See also section 8.14 Update UC Tenants.
To view the list of all planned UC Tenant tasks
1 Click in the menu on Platform | UC Tenant Tasks
2 Click on All tasks.
*A list appears with all tasks scheduled for all UC Tenants in.
3 If necessary, sort the list of tasks according to the desired criteria:
Scale Unit
Select a scale unit whose tasks are to be displayed.
Partner (number)
Select a partner, whose charges are to be displayed.
UC Tenant
Select a UC Tenant whose tasks are to be displayed.
Goal of the task, e.g.: "Reset", "Retrieve telemetry data", etc.
Status of the task:
"Active", "Finished", "In Planning"
Task result:
"Aborted", "Failed", "Successful"
Click the button to reset the display after the new filter configuration, if necessary.
*Only the orders that match the selected criteria will appear.
Creation Date
Time and date of Creation
Task type
Short description of the task
UC Tenant
UC Tenant’s name
UC Tenant’s Partner
Short Name
Enter a unique Short Name for the Scale Unit. The short name is used for a simplified display in the SwyxON Portal.
Current status or result of execution:
Task is in planning
Task is in progress
Task has been executed
Task failed
4 In the line of the appropriate task, click on to show more information:
Task completion time
Scheduled by
Administrator who has created the task
Latest start
(Latest) begin of execution
Task-ID in RMS (for debugging purposes)
Task type in RMS (for debugging purposes)