help • 8 Creating and editing UC Tenants • Migrate UC Tenants to the Operator
8.11 Migrate UC Tenants to the Operator
UC Tenants differ in how they are ordered from the service provider:
*UC Tenants ordered directly via SwyxON
*UC Tenants ordered via Operator
UC Tenants of a partner that were originally ordered via SwyxON can be migrated to the "Operator".
The following administrative areas of the UC Tenant configuration are transferred to the Operator platform:
*Licensing of the functions
*Feature Profiles
*Reporting and billing
It will not be possible to migrate back to SwyxON.
The migration process has no influence on the telephony functionality of the UC Tenant: Users can use all functions as usual, see also License deviations.
Requirement: Operator account for migration
Before the migration, the UC Tenants of the SwyxON Partner must be assigned to an Operator Wholesaler Account.
*If the SwyxON partner has an Operator Dealer account that is also assigned to the same Operator Wholesaler, this requirement is already met.
The list of existing Operator Account IDs for your SwyxON partner can be found under Partner | General Settings | Operator Accounts.
*If the SwyxON partner does not have an Operator account, the platform administrator must assign the partner a special Operator wholesaler account for the migration. This gives the Operator Wholesaler the authorization to migrate the partner's UC Tenants.
Under Partner | General settings | Operator Accounts, the corresponding ID assigned to the wholesaler (Wholesaler account name field) appears in the Wholesaler Account ID for Order Migration field.
Migration process
For the migration, the assigned Wholesaler in the Operator must create a Migration Operator Order for each UC Tenant of the Partner.
The correct domain name of the UC Tenant must be stored in the Operator Order so that the target UC Tenant can be clearly identified for the migration.
During platform maintenance, the connection to the Operator is interrupted, i.e. no Operator orders for the migration of a UC Tenant can be processed during this time.
You will be informed about the start and end of the maintenance work on the login page.
After ordering in the Operator, the order information is transmitted to SwyxON:
*The UC Tenant is then managed in the system as an Operator UC Tenant and appears in the Operator Tenants list.
*The invoice for the following month is issued via the Operator, even in the event of a license deviation.
License deviations
Please make sure that the licensing and the functional scope of the SwyxON UC Tenant fully correspond to the order in the Operator. If this is the case, the migration takes place immediately after the order is placed. Otherwise, manual approval is required, see 8.11.1 Accompany migration to the operator (in case of license deviations).
If the current license scope of the UC Tenant cannot be fully recorded in the operator order or cannot be clearly assigned, you must accompany and approve the migration of the UC Tenant, see 8.11.1 Accompany migration to the operator (in case of license deviations)
After placing the order in the Operator, you have 13 days to approve the migration of the UC Tenant. After this period, the migration will be carried out automatically and without your approval.
Some users or functions may be deactivated due to loss of license.
You can check the current status of the migration of a UC Tenant under UC Tenant | General settings | Operator. If the migration has not yet been completed, the corresponding note appears below and in the Manual migration possible until field you can see the time until the above-mentioned deadline expires.