help • 8 Creating and editing UC Tenants • Migrate UC Tenants to the Operator • Accompany migration to the operator (in case of license deviations)
8.11.1 Accompany migration to the operator (in case of license deviations)
The following problems can occur when migrating to the Operator:
*The number of licenses ordered in the Operator does not correspond to the number of licenses currently registered.
*The users on the SwyxON UC Tenant are assigned feature profiles that are no longer supported (e.g. "Swyx Profile M").
You have the opportunity to check and correct license errors and approve the migration of the UC Tenant.
How to approve the migration of the UC Tenant
The migration order for the corresponding UC Tenant has been created.
You are logged in as a partner.
1 Open Partner | UC Tenant Tasks | Swyx Operator Orders.
*A list of all UC Tenants appears for which an order has been created in the Operator and has not yet been processed.
2 Look at the last column in the line of the shown entries. There can be two types of orders:
*Create UC Tenant: this order was placed to create a new Operator UC Tenant.
*Attended Switch: this order was created to migrate the UC Tenant to the Operator and requires your post-processing.
*The number of days remaining until automatic migration is displayed in the Days left column.
3 Click on the Attended Switch button in the line of the corresponding order.
*The Attended Switch table appears.
*The left-hand column shows the current licenses of the UC Tenant with the corresponding number of users for each license type.
*The licenses in the Operator Order for this UC Tenant are displayed in the right-hand column.
4 Control the differences between the columns:
Fig. 8-1: Missing licenses
The feature profiles and functions for which not enough licenses have been ordered are marked in red. In Fig. 8-1:, for example, 4 licenses are missing in the "Basic" feature profile, 15 in the "Premium", 9 in the "Professional" etc.
You have two options:
*If the licenses are no longer required, you can approve the migration. The users or functions are deactivated.
*If the ordering was incorrect, the Operator order can be corrected. Click Cancel and forward the required information to your wholesaler.
After the correction, you can try the “Attended Switch” again.
Fig. 8-2: Feature profile obsolete
In Fig. 8-2: the feature profile "Swyx Profile M" could not be placed in the Operator order. This feature profile is obsolete and cannot be used in Operator billing.
If necessary, cancel the migration and make sure that a corresponding feature profile has been ordered for the required number of users.
5 Click on the Switch button to approve the migration.
*The UC Tenant is migrated to the Operator immediately.