help Creating and editing Desk Phones › Importing Desk Phones
Importing Desk Phones
As an alternative to creating certified Desk Phones in Swyx Control Center, you can import a .CSV file with the MAC addresses of the Desk Phones.
For a User to be able to use a Desk Phone, you must enable its use in his or her user settings, see also Define the Desk Phone settings.
MAC addresses must be unique within SwyxWare.
The MAC addresses must be one below the other.
The .CSV file must not contain more than 100 entries.
To import Desk Phones 
1 In the menu, select “Desk Phones”.
*A list appears with all Desk Phones.
2 Click on “Import Desk Phones”.
*The “Import Desk Phones“ configuration wizard.
3 Click on ”Select file” and on “Upload” to upload a file from your file system.
Click the cross icon to remove the file from the selection.
4 Click on ”Next”.
5 Assign the Desk Phones to Users.
MAC address
MAC address of the appropriate Desk Phone
Enter the name of the User to whom you want to assign the Desk Phone.
Assigning Users
Click on the button to assign the Desk Phones to the selected Users.
6 Check if all entries have been imported.
If the import fails, you can adapt the erroneous lines or create the appropriate Desk Phones separately in Swyx Control Center, see also section Creating Desk Phones.
7 Click on "Finish".
*The Desk Phones have been registered in the system according to the import result and can be used by the assigned Users.
*The Desk Phone is displayed in the list of Desk Phones. In the “PIN” column the PIN with which the User may have to once only authenticate himself is shown.
Last modified date: 12.11.2019