help Creating and editing Users › Creating Users
Creating Users
To create a User 
1 In the menu, select “User”.
*A list appears with all Users.
2 Click on “Create a User”.
*The “Create a User“ configuration wizard appears.
3 Define the general settings.
Display name
Enter a name for the User that is displayed in Swyx Control Center.
The display name should correspond to the User’s first and last name.
John Jones
Email address
Enter a unique email address for the SwyxWare integration in Microsoft Office (SwyxIt! function "Office Communication AddIn"). The email address must be provided which is set-up as the User’s primary SMTP email address on the company’s E-mail server (e.g. Microsoft Exchange Server).
This email address will also be used as a default for the delivery of voice mails. The voice mail address can be configured by the User himself or under ”Call forwarding | Standard voice mail”, see section Setting telephony settings.
Additionally, you can send the User via this address welcome emails with his registration data and configurations.
Enter a description, if applicable.
Administration profile
Select an Administration Profile for the User (Standard: No Administrator), see also section Administration profiles.
Feature profile
Select a Feature Profile for the User. The feature profile determines which SwyxWare features a User can use. The “Default” profile is pre-configured and contains all licensed options.
Activate this checkbox if you would like to activate the user account directly after creation.
Deactivated Users cannot log into SwyxServer.
Deactivate the checkbox to temporarily deactivate a User account.
When making later changes to settings, click “Save” to save the settings.
4 Click on ”Next”.
5 Define the numbers.
Internal number
Enter the number under which the User is available site internally.
May be preset by default: Next free number
Example: 101
Public number
Enter the number under which the User is available publicly.
Allowed format: canonical (+<country code><area code><number>)
Example: +49 231 1234100
Displaying in the Phonebook
Activate the checkbox if you want the numbers to appear in the Global Phonebook.
Select the Location for the User.
Calling Rights
Select the Calling Right for the User:
Deny all calls
The User may not make any calls. This Calling Right is useful or Users who will only receive calls, e.g. Script Users.
Internal destinations
Only calls to internal SwyxWare participants may be started.
Local destinations
Only calls within the area code may be started.
National destinations
Only calls within the country code may be started.
European destinations
Only calls within Europe can be started, i.e. the country code may only start with a 3 or a 4.
No call restrictions
There are no call restrictions.
When making later changes to settings, click “Save” to save the settings.
6 Click on ”Next”.
User account for Call Routing
Activate the check box, if the User should only be used for call forwarding.
In this case, the User cannot log in with a device.
7 Click on ”Next”.
8 Define the authentication settings for logging into SwyxServer.
In SwyxON, the guideline for complex passwords is forced by default and cannot be removed by any administrator.
If the rule “Force use of a complex password” is activated in the server configuration and/or in the User configuration, the User can continue to use his current password until he changes his password at his own wish or is forced to by the administrator.
Independent of the password settings, any attempt to re-use the current password is checked by the system and not permitted.
Windows account
Activate the checkbox if you want the User to log into SwyxServer with his Windows login data.
If the User has Windows user accounts, you can find and add them. You can assign several accounts to the User.
It is necessary that the computer of the SwyxIt! User resp. the Swyx Control Center installation and SwyxServer are members of the same domain.
Windows user accounts cannot be used for logging in to Swyx Control Center.
SwyxWare login data
Activate the checkbox if you wnt the User to log on with SwyxWare his User name and password.
User name
The User name is configured automatically from the data you have entered. You can edit the Username.
The UPN suffix is part of the Username and is automatically generated from your entered data, see also Defining the log in settings.
Enter a password for the User.
Repeat password
Enter the password again to confirm your entry.
Change password on next login
Use this checkbox if you want the User to be required to change his or her password at the next login.
When making later changes to settings, click “Save” to save the settings.
9 Click on ”Next”.
10 Define the SIP settings.
Login via SIP phone
Activate the checkbox to permit the use of SIP devices for the User.
Enter an ID to log into SwyxServer with SIP devices.
SIP authentication method
Select how the User can log into SwyxServer with SIP devices:
<SwyxServer default>
The server default defines if the User must enter his or her login data for using a SIP device, see also Configuring the provisioning of SIP phones.
No authentication
The User must never enter his login data for using a SIP device.
Always authenticate
The User must always enter his login data for using a SIP device.
SIP User name
Username to log into SwyxServer with SIP devices
The SIP User name need not be identical with the SwyxWare User name.
SIP password
Enter a password to log into SwyxServer with SIP devices.
The SIP password need not be identical with the SwyxWare password.
Repeat the SIP password
Enter the password again to confirm your entry.
When making later changes to settings, click “Save” to save the settings.
11 Click on ”Next”.
12 Define the Desk Phone settings.
Login via SwyxPhone Lxxx
Activate the checkbox to permit the use of SwyxPhone Lxxx phone models for the User.
Enter a PIN or have a PIN created with which the User can log into SwyxPhone Lxxx phone models.
Phone certified by Swyx
Activate the checkbox to permit the use of certified SIP devices for the User.
MAC address
Enter the MAC address of the certified SIP phone.
13 Click on ”Next”.
Send welcome email
SwyxServerActivate the checkbox or click on the button, to send a welcome email to the User including his or her login data and configurations. See also the SwyxWare Documentation for Administrators, chapter „User Configuration“, section The “Properties…” Dialog: The “Rights” Tab.
14 Click on “Create”.
*The User appears in the list with all Users.
Last modified date: 12.11.2019