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Creating Desk Phones
To allow users of Swyx to use certified desktop phones, you must enter the appropriate MAC addresses in Swyx Control Center.
Keep the MAC addresses for the corresponding end devices on hand.
To create a Desk Phone 
1 In the menu, select “Desk Phones”.
*A list appears with all Desk Phones.
2 Click on “Create Desk Phone”.
*The “Create Desk Phone“ configuration wizard appears.
Select the User for whom you want to create a Desk Phone.
MAC address
MAC address of the Desk Phone
e.g. a1:c2:e3:f4:11:12
Notify User
Activate the checkbox if you want the User to receive a welcome email with his login data.
Requirement: An email address is stored for the User in Swyx Control Center, see also section Editing Users’ general settings.
3 Click on “Create”.
*The Desk Phone is displayed in the list of Desk Phones. The PIN with which the User may have to once only authenticate himself is shown in the “PIN” column.
Last modified date: 12.11.2019