The Graphical Script Editor Blocks Overview Blocks for General Call Handling
Blocks for General Call Handling
Here you will find a table with an overview of all available general block types:
Block Type
Default Block
This block is used in a script to start a rule ( Start).
Rule executed
Default Block
This block ends the script. Other rules will not be taken into consideration by the Call Routing Manager ( Rule executed).
Rule skipped
Default Block
This block ends the script. Other rules will be taken into consideration by the Call Routing Manager ( Rule skipped).
Default Block
If the call is disconnected (e.g. the caller goes on hook), the call handling will jump to this block and the script will continue the process from here ( Disconnected).
Play Announcement
Optional Blocks
The caller is played an announcement ( Play Announcement).
Choose Announcement
Optional Blocks
This differentiates between files by evaluating a variable and, thus, is plays a specific announcement in the sequence in which it occurs ( Choose Announcement).
Say Number
Optional Blocks
A sequence of digits is announced ( Say Number).
Say Date
Optional Blocks
With the help of this block, you can have the date announced ( Say Date).
Record Message
Optional Blocks
This block records the caller’s message ( Record Message).
Connect To
Optional Blocks
This block connects the call to your own number or to another number, e.g. to Voicemail ( Connect To).
Connect To Loop
Optional Blocks
This block connects the call once again to your own number or to another number ( Connect To Loop).
FollowMe (Redirect Call)
Optional Blocks
This block attempts to connect the call sequentially to different numbers ( FollowMe (Redirect Call)).
Optional Blocks
This block puts a call on hold. The caller hears a defined music on hold ( Hold).
Optional Blocks
Activates a call, which has been put on hold with the block “Hold” ( Activate).
Wait for Disconnect
Optional Blocks
Monitors a successfully forwarded call to the end of the connection ( Wait for Disconnect).
Send email
Optional Blocks
An E-mail is sent, which can contain information concerning the call and a message ( Send email).
Optional Blocks
An announcement will be played and a message recorded. This message is then sent per e-mail ( Voicemail).
Remote Inquiry
Optional Blocks
This block allows you to check your Voicemail and e-mail from another line ( Remote Inquiry).
Get DTMF Char
Optional Blocks
After a prompt, DTMF input is detected ( DTMF key pressed).
Get DTMF String
Optional Blocks
A sequence of DTMF characters is detected and assigned to a variable ( Get DTMF String).
Terminate call
Optional Blocks
An existing connection is terminated ( Terminate call).
Optional Blocks
This block provides a decision option based on the situation of the subscriber called, e.g. “Absent” or “Speaking” ( Situation).
Optional Blocks
This block provides a decision option based on the properties of the call, e.g. the caller’s number( Call).
Time Check
Optional Blocks
This block provides a decision option based on the time of the call ( Date/Time).
Day of Week
Optional Blocks
This block provides a branching option based on the current day of the week ( Day of Week).
Set Variable
Optional Blocks
A variable is defined and set with a start value ( Set Variable).
Alternatively, you can call a sub-program you have created yourself ( The Use of a Visual Basic Script).
Optional Blocks
A statement concerning a variable(s) is evaluated and branched accordingly ( Evaluate).
Script Code
Optional Blocks
Here you can insert a Visual Basic Script into the rule script ( Insert Script Code).
Run GSE Action
Optional Blocks
An action, which was created with the help of the Graphical Script Editor, is executed ( Run GSE Action).