The Graphical Script Editor Blocks Optional Blocks-Actions Send email
Send email
The “Send E-mail” block can be used to send an e-mail, which can contain information concerning the call and the recorded message.
You can individually design a subject line and the e-mail text for the e-mail. For both of these entries, it is possible to use system functions for specific call information which is automatically replaced with the appropriate value by SwyxServer when the e-mail is sent.
If you would like to send an e-mail, which contains the recorded message, you must first record a message. The e-mail will be sent even if no message exists.
Recorded messages which are shorter than 3 seconds will not be sent, i.e. - as in the case of a non-recorded message - only an e-mail with the data concerning the call (date, time and number) will be sent.
Under "Properties", all three tabs "General", "Parameters" and "Connections" tabs are available for this block.
This is how you define the parameters for the action “Send E-mail”
1 Enter the recipient of the e-mail in the field “Send E-mail to:”.
2 Enter the sender of the e-mail in the field “E-mail from:”.
3 Using the field "Reply to:" you can reply to a recipient selected here.
4 Using the field "CC" (Carbon Copy) you send a copy of the e-mail to additional recipients. The name of the CC recipient is visible to all other recipients.
5 If the message should also be sent to recipients, whose name should not be visible to the other recipients, use the field "BCC" (Blind Carbon Copy).
6 Enter the subject of the e-mail in the “Subject:” field and the text of the e-mail in the “Body:” field.
If you would like to use variables or system functions here, enter the text as an expression in these fields. See also The Use of Variables in E-Mail Texts.
7 Indicate whether you would like to sent the e-mail without an attachment, with the last recorded message or with a file (e.g. a file in WAV format).
If you select "Attach File", select the file to be sent.
8 If the user should receive notification that a Voicemail has been received for him, activate the field "New Voicemail Notification" and select the user you want to inform via the symbol.
9 Click on “OK”.
The “Send E-mail” block can be seen on the grid interface and it available for further processing.