The Graphical Script Editor Blocks Optional Blocks-Actions Insert Script Code
Insert Script Code
This block allows you to insert your own Visual Basic Script. This program section is executed if this block is reached.
See also The Use of a Visual Basic Script.
The action will be terminated
* if the given value (0) is received from the action, or
* if the return values (1-9) are received from the action, or
* if the call was disconnected during execution.
Under "Properties", all three tabs "General", "Parameters" and "Connections" tabs are available for this block.
This is how you define the parameters for “Insert Script Code”
1 Insert the Visual Basic Script here.
2 Click on “OK”.
The “Insert Script Code” block can be seen on the grid interface and it available for further processing.
The script will not be checked for accuracy while saving. If a script error exists, the user cannot be reached.