Launching Swyx Mobile 2015 for iOS
Launching Swyx Mobile 2015 for iOS
If Swyx Mobile 2015 for iOS hasn’t been configured on your iPhone already, please download the application from the Apple App Store.
Swyx Mobile 2015 for iOS is a VoIP solution. You must be connected to the Internet to start and receive calls.
When saving and processing personal data, observe the respective applicable legal data protection regulations. If you have any questions concerning data protection regulations in SwyxWare, please contact your administrator.
Personal data cannot be deleted automatically. In order to meet the valid data protection regulations, it may be necessary to delete the entries manually. For further information, please refer to SwyxWare Administration documentation.
To log-on to Swyx Mobile for the first time:
1. Tap on the App symbol to open Swyx Mobile.
The “Settings” menu appears.
The server variant as well as the different server addresses depend on your settings and/or the option packs selected by your provider. Please contact your administrator for further information.
2. Enter your username and password.
3. Enable “Remember password”, if you would like to save your user credentials.
4. Tap on “Connect to Xing“, if you have a profile on the professional social network Xing and would like to import your contacts into the application.
For further information please refer to Importing Xing contacts.
5. Activate “Logging enabled”, if you want to save log files for support purposes.
Please be aware that log files may contain potentially sensitive data. Log files older than 7 days are automatically removed. They will be deleted immediately, if logging is switched off.
6. Tap on “Share log file”, if you would like to share the log file via various applications (e. g. via Email).
You are obliged to adhere to any legal requirements when using this function. If you have any questions in particular concerning data protection regulations in SwyxWare, please contact your administrator.
If a colored circle is shown around your user picture, you are connected to SwyxServer and have unlimited access to all features.
By tapping on „More | Settings“, you can change your user credentials at any time.
To configure Swyx Mobile via an URL (Easy configuration)
1. Tap on the URL, which has been sent via Email from your administrator.
It contains the following parameters:
*Internal server
*External server
*Server variant
*Connection mode
*Connection type
2. Enter user name and password to apply the settings and to log in at Swyx Mobile.
3. Settings imported successfully. Tap on “Continue”.
Swyx Mobile 2015 for iOSIf a colored circle is shown around your user picture, you are connected to SwyxServer and have unlimited acccess to all features.
Tap on to get an overview about the parameters included in the URL.
To configure the phone number you want to signal by default
You have more than one phone number and you want to signal one number by default for outgoing calls.
1. Select the menu item „More | Settings".
Tap on the “Numbers” option.
2. Under “Default number” select the phone number you want to signal by default.
The selected number will be signaled for every outgoing call, unless you would like to select another number for a particular call (For further information please refer to chapter To start and end a call using the Contact and Recents list.).