A running migration can take up to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the system. During this time the telephony functionality is not available to the customer. To better plan the migration of desired UC Tenants, first check the list of migration tasks already entered for your Partner or Platform, see 8.18.2 Migration tasks.
After successful migration, it is necessary to update the following settings on the customer side: - The endpoint for the VPN must be updated in the configuration of the VPN Gateway in the local customer network. The required information (VPN remote peer and identity of the VPN remote peer) can be found under UC Tenant | Network | Offices | | Information.
- Mobile clients and SwyxIt!/NetPhone clients must use the new Swyx RemoteConnector endpoint. The corresponding endpoints can be found under UC Tenant | Network | RemoteConnector. See also help.enreach.com/controlcenter/latest.version/web/Swyx/en-US/index.html#context/help/GeneralSettings-System-RemoteConnector
The UC tenant remains on the current Scale Unit until a full copy is created on a target scale unit. In the event of a failed migration, telephony functionality is resumed and the migration can be rerun at a later time.
During migration, you cannot edit the offices of the corresponding UC tenant.
If the migration fails, you will be notified by email.
To migrate a UC tenant
1 Select in the menu UC Tenant.
A list appears with all UC Tenants or the selected Partner’s UC Tenants.
2 In the row of the corresponding UC tenant, click on Select.
The submenu for UC Tenant.
3 Click onMigrate UC Tenant.
The configuration wizard appears Migrate UC Tenant.
4 Select from the drop-down list Target Scale Unit dropdown list, select a scale unit to which the UC tenant is to be migrated.
5 In the Configuration Wizard , click on Next.
6 Read the current notes that must be followed when migrating to the selected scale unit.
7 When all the necessary requirements for the migration are met, click on Migrate.
The UC tenant is in the queue for migration. If there are no other migration tasks on the platform, the process starts immediately.
8 In the configuration wizard, click Finish.
You can track the progress of the migration using the list Migrations see below.
After a successful migration, you can send a welcome email with the new credentials to all users, see 8.7 Send welcome emails