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Logging on to SwyxServer using your Windows user data
Login with the Windows user data only works within the company network or via a VPN connection.
Before you start SwyxIt!, you must already have logged in as a user in your Windows network. This usually takes place as soon as you start your PC when you enter your user name and password. Alternatively, you can also log on to SwyxServer by entering your user name and password (To log in to SwyxIt! with your SwyxWare user data).
You can start SwyxIt! after logging on to the network, provided that a valid user license exists. Enable the option “Always use chosen user name” in SwyxIt! in order to automatically use the selected user account each time SwyxIt! is started. To find out how to change these settings, see SwyxIt! - Local Settings.
This function is not available for SwyxON.
To log in to SwyxIt! with your SwyxWare user data 
If you start SwyxIt! for the first time after installation and the logon with your Windows user account is not successful, a logon dialog is displayed. You can also call this up from the menu if necessary.
1 To open the logon dialog, select the "Logon" option in the "File" menu.
2 Enter the server name and your user name. This information is stored, and will be preset for the next logon.
3 Enter the password.
If you want SwyxIt! to save your password, activate the checkbox "Remember password". The logon to the server then takes place automatically in future, and the logon dialog is no longer displayed.
4 Confirm the dialog field with "OK". You are logged on to the server and your user name is displayed in the SwyxIt! display.
In the event that your logon was not successful, the logon dialog is displayed with a prompt for the necessary correction. In this case, check whether the login data is correct, and your network connection is available.
You can obtain the login data from your administrator. The server name can be present as a name in text format, or in the form of an IP address.
If you want to use the login via a Windows user account again, you can also activate that in this dialog. Select the option "Use Windows account for authentication" for this.
Last modified date: 08.12.2020