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Functions in the Call journal
Various functions are available to you in the call journal. You can call these from the toolbar or from the context menu of a call in the list.
For the individual calls in the list, only the available functions are shown in the menu or activated in the toolbar.
The number selected will be called.
Start video call
This option starts a video call to the selected number.
A new e-mail message containing information of the call (name of the person called, number, time of the call) will be created.
Instant message
This option launches the SwyxIt! Messenger. You can send an instant message directly by this means. This option is only available with list entries for internally logged in subscribers.
You can show an Outlook Contact or create a new one. See also Displaying and creating Outlook Contacts from lists.
Delete entry
The highlighted entry will be deleted. The entry will be removed from the list. For recordings, the recorded .wav file is also deleted from the recordings directory. Note that deletion occurs without any further inquiry.
The highlighted entry will be played. If you select this option during a call, your conversation partner can listen to the recording too.
Playing is stopped.
You can assign a ringing sound to a phone number (Ringing).
This option is only present if a caller has left you a callback request. The callback request will be ignored, the display disappears. In the "Own Callback Requests" list of the caller, the status "Callback obsolete" will be entered (Callback request).
More/To Phonebook...
You can use this option to transfer numbers to your Phonebook.
More/Clear list
The entire list will be deleted.
This function is available only for recorded calls. It enables you to export a recording (Playing and Exporting Recorded Conversations).
Last modified date: 08.12.2020