help Licensing › Retrieving license information
Retrieving license information
You can get information about the scope of your licenses from the Swyx Flex license server, see also Licensing.
For provisioning of Yealink Desk Phones in SwyxWare for DataCenter it is necessary that you connect once to the Swyx license server at
Click on the "Activate" button to do this.
If your licensing is about to expire or is insufficient, a warning will appear in the title bar.
To retrieve license information 
1 In the menu, select “General Settings | Licenses and Features”.
*For online licensing and SwyxON a list appears with all of your licensed Feature Profiles.
*For licensing via license key, the list of your registered licenses appears.
For license information on licensing via license key see License information on licensing via license key.
For information on Feature Profiles in SwyxWare also see the SwyxWare Documentation for Administrators, chapter “Profiles”.
License information on online licensing
Feature Profile name
Number of licensed Feature Profiles
Number of currently used Feature Profiles
Number of licensed, unused Feature Profiles
Expiration date
Date from which the license loses its validity, i.e. the corresponding Feature Profiles are deactivated.
2 Click on the “User specific features” tab.
*A list appears with your licensed additional features which are assigned to certain Users.
Name of the feature
Number of licensed features
Number of currently used features
Number of licensed, unused features
Expiration date
Date from which the license loses its validity, i.e. the corresponding features are deactivated.
3 Click on the “Customer system specific features” tab.
*A list of your licensed features appears, which are billed per SwyxWare system and are available to all Users.
Name of the feature
Number of licensed features
Number of currently used features
Number of licensed, unused features
Expiration date
Date from which the license loses its validity, i.e. the corresponding functions are deactivated.
Click on “Update license information” to retrieve the current information from the licensing server.
In SwyxON your Feature Profiles, conference rooms and fax channels including the maximum number available appear as license information, see also SwyxON Documentation for Administrators, Chapter "Creating and Editing UC Tenants", Sections "Ordering contingents for Feature Profiles" and "Ordering conference rooms and fax channels".
Last modified date: 12.11.2019