"Use automatically generated certificate"
In automatic mode, the master and server certificates are generated by SwyxWare and stored in the SwyxWare database.
On the current tab, you can also have SwyxWare generate the client certificate and assign it to the user.
The certificate is automatically transferred to the user's computer on the company network after assignment. You can export client certificates for subscribers who never log onto the company networkExporting an automatically generated certificate.
To generate the client certificate, maintain the password ready that you used to protect the root certificate during SwyxWare configuration.
In SwyxON, the password for the generation of the Client certificate is not required.
How to assign an automatically generated certificate to a user 
1 Click on the "New" button.
A dialog window will appear with the entry field: "Root certificate password."
2 Enter the password and confirm with"OK."
The "RemoteConnector" tab will appear in foreground.
3 Click on the "OK" button on the bottom of the tab.
The dialog window "Administrator properties for users..." is closed.
The certificate is generated.
4 Open the administrator properties and select the "RemoteConnector" tab.
The certificate's digital thumbprint is entered in the "thumbprint" field.
As soon as the user logs onto SwyxWare or if the user is already logged on via RemoteConnector when generating the certificate with the help of an older existing client certificate via RemoteConnector, then the certificate is transferred to the user's computer and stored in Windows certificate storage under "Certificates - Current users | Own certificates | Certificates“.
The client certificate stored only applies for the computer and the Windows user account under which is it stored in the Windows certificate storage.
In order to replace the certificate for the user, repeat steps (1) to (4).
Exporting an automatically generated certificate
If the user cannot log onto the company network, then you'll have to export the client certificate generated for the user.
How to export a client certificate 
1 Click on the "Export" button.
The Windows certificate export wizard will open.
2 Follow the steps laid out in the wizard. Make sure the certificate is stored in PFX format, and protect the certificate's private key via password.
3 After successfully completing the export process, forward the stored PFX file to the user and inform the user of the password.
Make sure that no third party gains possession of the file or knowledge of the password.
The PFX file must be imported in the Windows certificate storage on the user computer. Finally, the imported certificate has to be selected in the SwyxIt! connection settings.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020