Central Phonebook
import or export as CSV file.
The imported CSV file should have the following format:
First Name 1; Last Name 1; Phone Number 1
First Name 2; Last Name 2; Phone Number 2
First Name 1, Last Name 1, Phone Number 1
First Name 2, Last Name 2, Phone Number 2
A CSV file may contain up to 2000 users.
When importing a global phonebook in CSV format, any existing entries are deleted.
How to import the Global Phonebook in CSV format 
1 Select "Central Phonebook".
2 Activate the field "Enable".
3 Under "File Import Settings", "File type" select the CSV file you want to import.
4 In the field "Delimiter", select the delimiter of the CSV file (e. g. ";").
5 Click on “OK”.
6 Select "Import" and "Choose file".
7 Select the CSV file and click on "Open".
8 Click on "Close".
How to export the Global Phonebook as CSV file 
The complete phonebook can be exported as CSV file for editing or security purposes.
1 Select "Central Phonebook".
2 Select "Export".
3 A window will open. Click on "Download file".
4 In the next dialog, click on "Save".
5 Enter the name of the file and select the folder, in which the file should be saved.
6 Click on "Save".
Last modified date: 02.17.2020