help Configuration of SwyxServerGlobal Phonebook › The Import and Export of Phonebooks
The Import and Export of Phonebooks
You can import a Phonebook or a user list, such as in cases when needed from another branch office. Prerequisites for import from a list are that the entries must each be in a separate line and the fields of an entry must be in quotation marks and separated by a semi-colon.
If there is a connection via a SwyxLink trunk to the SwyxServer of the branch office, the users of the other server will automatically be visible in the Global Phonebook of this SwyxServer, and vice versa. This means there is no need to import the phonebook. See SwyxLink (Server-Server Connection).
To create user lists from the SwyxWare Administration, see Export User List.
Furthermore, you can export Phonebook entries to a CSV file in this format. You can specify which Phonebook entries should be exported.
How to import entries into the Global Phonebook 
1 Open the SwyxWare Administration and choose the SwyxServer.
2 Click with the right mouse button on “Phonebook”.
3 Select the entry “Import Phonebook…” from the context menu.
The import wizard for the Phonebook will open.
4 Select the source file:
Enter the file (*.CVS) from which the Phonebook entries should be imported.
In the lower field you will see a preview of the entries.
Click on ”Next>”.
5 Select the Phonebook entries to be imported:
Deactivate the checkbox in front of the entries that you do not want to import.
Click on ”Next>”.
6 Delete existing phonebook:
Define whether all existing Phonebook entries should be deleted before the import takes place.
Click on ”Next>”.
7 Add appendix to the entry name:
Indicate whether the names of the imported entries should get an appendix, and enter this appendix.
In instances like importing entries from another branch office, we recommend you include the corresponding site in order to make distinguishing among subscribers in the Global Phonebook easier for users of telephony clients.
8 Choose the update mode for the Phonebook:
The following options are available if the same entry (including the appendix) already exists:
*Update existing entry
Overwrites the phone number and description in an existing entry.
*Rename new entry
The new entry is automatically renamed before import takes place, e.g. ‘John Doe’ is renamed to ‘John Doe(2)’.
*Skip new entry
Entries to be imported, which already exist in the Phonebook, will be skipped.
9 Start import process
All entries which names are already in use within SwyxWare, will be skipped during the import.
Finally, you will get an overview of the parameters entered. Confirm this with “Next>”.
The selected entries will be imported.
10 To close the import wizard, click on “Finish”.
How to export entries from the Global Phonebook 
1 Open the SwyxWare Administration and choose the SwyxServer.
2 Click with the right mouse button on “Phonebook”.
3 Select the entry “Export Phonebook…” from the context menu.
The export wizard for the Phonebook will open.
4 Deactivate the checkboxes for the phonebook entries you do not wish to export. Indicate whether the description of the entries should also be added.
5 On the next page of the wizard, define where the exported file (*.CSV) should be stored and whether an existing file with the same name should be overwritten or whether the data created should be appended to this file.
Furthermore, you can indicate whether the names of the fields (column names) in the first row of the file should also be saved.
6 Finally, you will get an overview of the parameters entered. Confirm this with “Next>”.
The selected entries will be exported.
7 To close the export wizard, click on “Finish”.
The telephone entries are exported according to the selected parameters.
Please remember that the Global Phonebook only contains the additional entries. You can obtain the list of SwyxWare users and groups for this SwyxServer by exporting the user list, see How to export the user list.
Entries from the phonebook do not show the status in the SwyxIt!.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020