help SwyxConnect 5000/8000OverviewApplication scenarios › SwyxConnect 5000/8000 as SIP Gateway with SAS
SwyxConnect 5000/8000 as SIP Gateway with SAS
The operation of SwyxConnect with all configuration levels to SwyxWare, including master/ standby support and SAS, is described in the following example (see SwyxConnect 5000/8000 as SIP Gateway with SAS).
SwyxWare is at the company's central location and is linked via IP (VPN) to a secondary location of the company. SwyxConnect Is located at this secondary location.
Fig. C-4: SwyxConnect 5000/8000 as SIP Gateway with SAS
Unlike the previous example, the SwyxConnect's SAS application is active here. The remaining configuration of SwyxConnect, concerning the trunks to the PSTN and the trunk for the connection of the ISDN phone, is unchanged.
Please note that in this example, the gateway application of SwyxConnect does not log in directly to SwyxWare with the trunks: all SIP messages are sent and received via the activated SAS application (proxy). Similarly, SIP clients must be configured such that they log in directly to SwyxConnect (SAS application (proxy)). In this configuration, the SAS application can process any transmissions independently, if the IP route between main and secondary location is interrupted. Thus, all SIP clients, which are logged on via SwyxConnect, can call each other directly, as well as any subscribers that are connected via an ISDN/ analog trunk. Calls can likewise be set up to the PSTN, and incoming calls picked up from the PSTN.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020