help AudioCodes Terminal Adapter › Update AudioCodes Terminal Adapter for SwyxWare
Update AudioCodes Terminal Adapter for SwyxWare
If you are using an older version of the firmware (e.g. a version or you have not purchased the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter from Swyx (or one of its partners), you need to use the firmware and configuration tested by Swyx.
You can obtain the files you will need from Support in a ZIP archive. When submitting your request, please indicate which AudioCodes Terminal Adapter you are using (MP-11x or MP-124). The ZIP archive contains the firmware (*.cmp), a preconfigured initialization file (*.ini) and a file for the German ringtones (call_progress_germany.dat).
The update and configuration procedures are described below.
The configuration uses an initialization file, which you should preferably customize to your circumstances before the firmware is updated.
The initialization file is a text file split into two parts. The first part "1) User Parameters" contains the parameters that can be changed by the user. The second part "2) IpPbx Interoperability Parameters" contains the parameters that are required for interoperability with SwyxWare. These cannot be changed.
How to change the initialization file 
1 Open the initialization file with an editor.
2 If you are not using a DHCP, change "DHCPEnable = 1" to "DHCPEnable = 0".
3 Change the IP address for "ProxyIp 0" by entering the SwyxServer's IP address.
4 If you use a standby SwyxServer, please activate a further proxy by removing the semicolons before the parameters "ProxyIP 1", "ProxyRedundancyMode =0" and "EnableProxyKeepAlive = 1". The IP address behind "ProxyIP 1" must be the IP address of the standby SwyxServer.
5 You can change the numbers of the adapter's individual analog ports if you wish, in the parameters "TrunkGroup" (e.g. "TrunkGroup 0" has the number 201 for port 1). If your AudioCodes terminal adapter has more than 2 ports, remove the semi-colons at the beginning of the line.
6 You can change the authentication of the SIP registration for each port if you wish ("Authentication_0" parameter etc.).
7 Save the initialization file once you have made your changes.
How to update the firmware 
1 Open a Web browser and enter the IP address of the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter as the web address.
The Web configuration of the adapter and a window for entering a user name and password will appear.
2 Enter the user name and password.
3 Start the Software Upgrade Wizard under "Software Update" or "Management | Software Update".
4 Click on "Start Software Upgrade". A separate window will open.
5 In "Load a CMP file from your computer to the device", click on "Browse...".
6 Select the *.cmp file.
The path to this file now appears in the assigned field.
7 Click on “Send file”.
The file is loaded on to the adapter, and a display then shows whether the loading was successful.
8 Click on "Next", and load the previously customized initialization file (see How to change the initialization file) on to the adapter.
9 In "Load an ini file from your computer to the device", click on "Browse...".
10 Select the *.ini initialization file. The path to this file now appears in the assigned field.
11 Click on “Send file”. The file will be loaded onto the adapter. Then you can restart the adapter by clicking on "Reset".
Independently of updating the firmware, you can also load a changed initialization file on to the adapter as follows.
How to load the initialization file 
1 Open a Web browser and enter the IP address of the AudioCodes Terminal Adapter as the web address.
The Web configuration of the adapter and a window for entering a user name and password will appear.
2 Enter the user name and password.
3 Select the page "Management | Software Update | Configuration File".
4 In "Send INI File to the device", click on "Browse...".
5 Select the *.ini initialization file.
The path to this file now appears in the assigned field.
6 Click on "Load INI File".
The file will be loaded onto the adapter.
7 Then save the changes by clicking "Submit" and "Burn", and restart the adapter.
Last modified date: 02.17.2020