The "Encryption" tab
You can see here how and whether voice data going via this trunk should be encrypted. The settings were selected within the server properties, and apply equally to the SwyxLink trunk. See also The "Security" tab.
For a SwyxLink trunk, it is advisable to configure both server sides identically in relation to encryption.
Whether a call is established via the SwyxLink trunk, and whether it is correspondingly encrypted from end point to end point (e.g. from SwyxIt! to SwyxIt!), depends on the encryption settings within the user properties on both servers. See also Encryption.
Key (PreSharedKey)
To ensure secure communication by SRTP between two SwyxServers, a common key (PreSharedKey) must be defined between them.
For all components which use the SwyxWare database (e.g. SwyxIt!, PhoneMgr, ConferenceMgr, LinkMgr, Gateway), this key is automatically generated by SwyxServer and distributed to the relevant component, once again encrypted.
It is different for a SwyxLink trunk. In this case the key must be entered manually. Furthermore, the key entered here must likewise be entered in the SwyxLink trunk properties of the linked server.
A key length of less than 10 characters is not advisable. Longer keys offer greater security, and keys can be up to 128 characters long. In order to make brute-force or dictionary attacks more difficult, the key should consist of a combination of letters, numbers and special characters.
This is how you specify a key for the encryption of a SwyxLink trunk 
1 Start the SwyxWare Administration and log on to the SwyxServer.
2 In the left side of the SwyxWare Administration window, click on "Trunks", and in the right-hand window select the trunk you want to configure.
3 Select “Properties”.
4 Select the “Encryption” tab.
5 The encryption configured in the server properties is displayed.
6 Enter the key in the "Key" field. You must also enter this key in the SwyxLink trunk properties of the linked server.
7 Click on “OK”.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019