Encryption of call data with SRTP
from SwyxWare on, SwyxWare supports the encryption of call data via "Secure Real Time Transport Protocol" (SRTP). The protocol, designed for real-time communication, means security for voice data transmission. The data is encrypted, making listening to calls impossible.
The following encryption modes are available:
*No encryption
*Encryption preferred
*Encryption mandatory
You can specify this setting individually per user, or globally for SwyxServer. It must be remembered that the selection of SwyxServer in the global settings has an influence on the configuration options in the user and trunk properties within the "Encryption" tab:
On selection within the server properties of...
...the following selection options are available within the trunk* and user properties:
No encryption
No encryption
Encryption preferred
No encryption
Encryption preferred
Encryption mandatory
Encryption mandatory
Encryption mandatory
In the SwyxLink trunk, the encryption mode is taken from the server settings and cannot be changed. Only one key must be assigned. See The "Encryption" tab.
SIP Trunk
The setting of the encryption mode which was set within the server properties has no influence on the encryption mode within the SIP trunk. Voice data encryption on SIP trunks requires TLS as transport protocol and must be supported by the SIP provider. The corresponding configuration is defined in the properties of a SIP trunk group. See also The "Encryption" tab of the SIP Trunk Group.
In a new installation of SwyxWare, the encryption mode is set by default to "Encryption preferred". When an older version is updated to Version 2011, the encryption mode is preconfigured to "No encryption".
Last modified date: 08/01/2019