Configuring SwyxWare
After the installation the Configuration Wizard will be started. Use this Wizard to define the configuration parameters for the installed components.
The Configuration Wizard can also be started again later in an existing installation, e.g. in order to make changes to the SwyxWare configuration.
Please note that the SwyxWare Configuration Wizard suspends all SwyxServer services. Even active calls are interrupted. It is not possible to telephone during configuration with the Configuration Wizard! If the Configuration Wizard is interrupted, all services remain suspended. If you terminate the Configuration Wizard, all services are restarted.
This is how you configure SwyxWare 
Under “Start | Programs | SwyxWare | SwyxWareConfiguration Wizard “ you can start the Configuration Wizard.
1 Connect to SQL Server
Enter here the SQL Server instance on which you want to set up the database for SwyxWare.
*Windows authentication (Standard)
Select this form of authentication if the user currently logged on has administrative rights on the SQL Server.
*SQL Server authentication
Alternatively, select authentication with the name and the associated password of an SQL Server user.
The Windows user account specified here must have administrator rights on the SQLServer instance to create a new database. If an existing database is to be updated, then administrator rights on this database ('db_owner') are necessary.
2 Database installation type:
You can choose whether you
*create a database
This is only possible if an SQL Server is installed locally. The standard settings are used in this case and the SwyxWare database schema is installed.
Enter a name for the new SwyxWare database and a user name with password. The user account under which the Configuration Wizard now accesses the SQL Server needs the rights of an SQL Server administrator ('sysadmin') in order to create the SwyxWare database.
*use an existing SwyxWare database
Select an existing database from the drop-down list. For this, the user account specified in step (1) needs at least the rights of a database owner ('db_owner').
3 Select database account
SwyxServer needs only restricted rights for database access. If you have selected an existing database, specify here the user name and password with which the SwyxServer should access the database.
For the rest of the installation the Configuration Wizard grants the necessary rights (db_datawriter; db_datareader; IpPbxUser) to the user account specified here.
4 SwyxServer Database:
*Create... or Update...
Click on "Create..." to create a new local database.
If an existing database was selected, the database schema can be updated here.
You can also use "Restore" here to restore an existing local database, e.g. from an older SwyxWare installation.
You can create a backup copy of your database later, see Backing up the SwyxWare Database.
Please note that when using an existing database the update of the database is irreversible. The Configurations Wizard automatically updates the existing database of an older SwyxWare installation. In addition, a backup copy is made before the update of a local database. You can find this backup copy in the SwyxWare program directory under "C:\ProgramData\Swyx\Backup".
Only local databases can be restored or backed up here. A database that is installed on another computer cannot be backed up or restored by the Configuration Wizard. Use the mechanisms provided by Microsoft for this.
5 Type of SwyxServer:*
Choose here whether you want to carry out a standard installation, or an installation for a scenario with enhanced failure safety (SwyxStandby option pack). In a standby scenario you enter the licenses only during the configuration of the master server.
Always install and configure the standby system first and then the master system. This procedure is recommended, because for the configuration of the replication the standby system must already be installed and must run.
If you already have configured a server as a master or standby server, this option will not be available when you run the Configuration Wizard again.
6 Service account:
Here you set the user account which should be used to start the SwyxWare system services (for example ’ippbx’).
A domain user account is required, if
*different components are installed on different computers (e.g. a separate gateway)
*SwyxFax Printer Gateway will send printing jobs to a network printer
*The calendar-based call management will be used
The user name should be selected by using the “Browse” button. You then only enter the password. The validity of your entries will be checked by the Setup program. This check may take several seconds. If there is an error in the entries an error message will appear and you can repeat the procedure.
If SwyxServer does not need a domain user account, you can let the Configuration Wizard create a local user account.
The service account will also be added to a locally created group called ’SwyxWare Services’. This group is used exclusively for the SwyxWare services.
7 Service Account Information
The Configurations Wizard gives an overview of the user account used, and the created group.
8 Licensing (not for SwyxWare for DataCenter und Standby-SwyxServer)
If you chose the standard installation in step (5), you can choose here between the following installation types:
The selected Licensing type, Online Licensing or Licensing via License Key, cannot be changed afterwards. If you want to select a different type of licensing after a licensing process has been completed, you must uninstall and reinstall SwyxWare and the SwyxWare database, see also chapter "Configuration of SwyxServer", section "Uninstalling".
*Online Licensing
The Swyx license server sends requests to check the licence presence. For this purpose, there must be a permanent Internet connection between the license server and your SwyxServer, for which you can specify a proxy server in one of the following steps or later, see step (9). Additionally you have to create an instance for your system in the Swyx Operator Portal, see also chapter "Licensing", section "Online Licensing".
*Licensing via License Key, See Licensing, section „Licensing via License key“.
*Test installation, see Evaluation Installation.
The following steps only apply to the "Online Licensing" type of licensing:
9 Connect SwyxServer to the Swyx License Server
Click on the button to test the connection to the Swyx license server.
You can also use a proxy server for the connection, which you can define in this step or later via Swyx Control Center, see also the Swyx Control Center documentation, section "Defining proxy servers".
*Outbound HTTP Proxy
Enter the IP address or DNS name of the proxy server.
*Encryption mandatory
Select the check box if authentication is required to connect to the proxy server.
Enter the user name and password for authentication.
10 When you have defined a proxy server, a step for re-testing the connection to the Swyx license server appears.
11 Send an activation request to the Swyx license server (only for test installations (evaluation mode)).
12 Enter the displayed activation key in Swyx Operator.
If you do not have access to Swyx Operator, send the activation key to your service provider.
13 If you have activated the programme via Swyx License Server, a step to activation via SwyxServer will appear. Click on “Activate”.
14 If the activation has failed, a step to re-check the Internet connection appears.
Click on "Activate" and/or repeat the activation in Swyx Operator.
You can also create the license key later via Swyx Control Center, see also the Swyx Control Center documentation for users, chapter "Editing General Settings", section "Creating License Activation Keys". The activation key is entered via Swyx Operator.
The following steps apply only to SwyxWare for DataCenter:
15 License Server
*Use this system as licensing server
The current system (back end server) is configured as licensing server. The SwyxWare for DataCenter license is read in on this system. All other SwyxWare for DataCenter installations (front end servers) contact this installation to license themselves in turn. The reporting service must be activated on this server.
*Connect to a SwyxWare for DataCenter licensing server
Enter here the name of the licensing server. The configured system then contacts the licensing server regularly to confirm the license validation.
16 Connect to SQL Server reporting database (for SwyxWare for DataCenter backend servers only)
Specify the SQL Server instance on which a reporting database was set up. Specify whether the Configuration Wizard should log on there with the current user account or with user name and password. For updating an existing reporting database, administrator rights ('db_owner’) on this database are needed in any case.
17 Reporting database (for SwyxWare for DataCenter backend servers only)
Select a previously created reporting database. The user account specified in (16) must be ’db_owner’ in this database.
18 Account for reporting database
The reporting service, which regularly records the license data of all servers, accesses the reporting database with restricted rights. Specify the user name and password for this access.
The following steps only apply to the licensing type "Licensing via license key":
19 SwyxWare licenses
If you want to insert license keys, click on "Add License...". Another window, "Add SwyxWare License Key" will now open. Indicate whether you will enter a limited or a permanent license from your license certificate (PDF). The limited license key is sent to you as a PDF.
Enter the limited license key or the name of the file containing the permanent license key.
Use this step to add all license keys for the options you want to install.
If you are licensing a SwyxWare for DataCenter licensing server, you need only one license key.
The license key (PDF) supplied is limited to a period of 30 days and includes the number of users and channels you have ordered. After the key is entered, the corresponding licenses will be shown.
Install SwyxWare with these limited keys and request permanent keys after installation. You then insert this permanent license key into the SwyxServer configuration at this point by activating the option "File with permanent license keys”, see Pre-Configured Users and Groups.
If you chose a standard installation, continue with step (22), see Mail server:.
The following steps apply to all types of licensing:
20 Standby-SwyxServer: (this function is not available for SwyxWare for DataCenter)
If you are configuring a master SwyxServer, enter here the name of the computer on which the standby SwyxServer is installed.
You can use "Browse..." to select a computer from the network.
If this computer is not yet present or the name of the computer is not yet known, you must run the Configuration Wizard again after the installation of the standby SwyxServer.
If a standard SwyxServer is being configured, this query does not appear.
21 Standby Services:
A list of the Swyx services installed on the current computer appears. As default, all services on a computer work together with the other services on the same computer.
*only with the master SwyxServer
*only with the standby SwyxServer or
*with both SwyxServer
22 Mail server:
SwyxServer needs an email server to send voice mails, fax mails and usage reports (for SwyxWare for DataCenter).
Enter the name of the mail server to be used for email delivery in the field “Name of the SMTP Mail Server”.
Every Email which is sent by the SwyxServer contains the Email address entered in the field “Voicemail originating address” as the sender. Enter here the email address of the SwyxWare administrator, for example.
23 SwyxServer location:
*Time zone
From the selection list, choose the time zone that is applicable for the default location of this SwyxServer.
*Own country code
Here you define your country code. For Germany, it is '49'.
*Own area code
Enter your area code here without the preceding '0', for example, for Dortmund '231' or '40' for Hamburg.
*Prefix for international calls
The code for international calls is entered in this field. In Germany, this code is '00'.
*Prefix for long distance calls
Here you enter the digit(s) which must be dialed in order to make a long distance call. In Germany, the digit required for long distance calls is always '0'.
*Public Line Access
This is the number that SwyxWare users must first dial in order to make external calls. Default value: '0'.
24 Create an administrator account to log in to Swyx Control Center.
25 Active Directory extension
You can integrate the SwyxWare user administration into a Windows Active Directory environment.
If the log-in user account doesn't have the according rights, please enter under "Register" a user account (name and password) which has the authorization to change the Active Directory configuration, e.g. a domain administrator account.
26 SwyxPhone Firmware Update
This function is not available for SwyxWare for DataCenter.
You can automatically update the SwyxPhone software from the FTP server at Swyx.
If you would like to set up your own FTP server, you can enter the required data in the SwyxWare Administration.
27 Conference:
Define the user under which the ConferenceManager will later log on to the SwyxServer (default name: Conference).
The user "Conference" is always created. For SwyxWare Conference rooms and conferences with more than three participants are only possible if you install the option pack "SwyxConference".
In a SwyxWare for DataCenter area, conferences become possible with the "SwyxAdHocConference" option.
28 Configure remote access:
If direct internet connections with Clients should be supported, activate the checkbox "Enable internet connections".
In the respective fields, enter the public server address (or port), which clients will use to connect to SwyxServer via Internet. See Connections with the Swyx Mobile and macOS Clients.
29 RemoteConnector Properties:
Select the mode for generating and managing certificates:
SwyxWare generates and manages certificates automatically.
In the next step you let a master and a server certificate be generated and set a password for the root certificate.
Via the SwyxWare Administration user interface, you will be able to generate client certificates for the users desired.
To generate the client certificates, maintain the password ready you used to protect the master certificate.
Only select this mode if you have your own certificates. The distribution of certificates is your task. SwyxWare stores no certificates but merely thumbprints.
In the next step, you have to select the master certificate and the server certificate inferred from the master certificate in the corresponding dropdown list.
Should you not yet have imported your certificates in the Windows certificate storage, you can do so via the "..." button.
If you change the mode for certificate generation and management at a later time, then all client certificates assigned to the users will become invalid.
30 After installation, set up ISDN trunks in the SwyxWare Administration. The link to SwyxGate is made via the name of the computer on which the service was installed.
31 Memory location for the files
When saving and processing personal data, observe the respective applicable legal data protection regulations.
Please observe the respective applicable legal regulations. Please observe this in particular if you change the settings for the memory location.
You can specify here where the users' fax documents are stored. You can choose between
*Storing in the database
In this case please remember that there is a memory limitation depending on the type of database.
*Storing in the file system
Thus, all files are stored in a local directory (default: C:\ProgramData\Swyx\IpPbxServer\Data\FileData). If the files should be stored in a network directory, a user account and password giving access to this directory must also be entered here.
If the memory location in the file system is changed from one directory to another, a prompt appears asking you to copy the files directly now. Please do not continue with the Configuration Wizard until all files are copied. The Configuration Wizard then checks the access to the files at the new memory location.
If an existing installation is being updated, the change of memory location from the database to the file system or vice versa may take some time, depending on the quantity of files already present. In particular, all fax documents that the user has not yet (locally) archived will be loaded into the database.
Please note that when the database is backed up, these files must be backed up by the administrator. See Backing up the SwyxWare Database.
32 The SwyxWare-database is configured with the parameters entered.
33 SwyxFax Server Properties
Enter here the Fax Station ID of SwyxFax Server.
34 SwyxFax Server configuration overview
The parameters for the SwyxFax configuration are displayed.
35 Configuring the fax settings (Not available for SwyxWare for DataCenter)
The displayed SwyxFax configuration takes place. As many fax channels are created as licenses are present. The configured Fax Station ID is configured on all fax channels, and can be changed later in the properties of the individual fax channels.
36 Automatic updating of the system phone whitelist
You should determine a Windows task for the automatic daily updating of the system phone whitelist.
Activate the “Create scheduled task” checkbox. A new task "PhoneWhitelistUpdate" is created in the Windows task schedule and executed once. I. e. the whitelist is updated immediately. See Install and update Whitelist.
If you do not activate the “Create scheduled task” checkbox any exisisting tasks for the automatic update of the whitelist will be removed.
37 Close the Configuration Wizard afterwards with “Finish”.
If you have installed a standby scenario, then after this Configuration Wizard the Configuration Wizard for the standby configuration is started, see Standby SwyxServer.
All services (SwyxServer, SwyxConfigDataStore, SwyxGate, PhoneManager, SwyxWareHelper, ConferenceManager) will be started automatically during the configuration and are ready for operation after the configuration.
If you change the name of the server computer after the installation, please follow the instructions contained in the following Technet article:
You will find information on how to install SwyxWare Administration in Installation of the SwyxWare Administration.
The Configuration Wizard creates a trace file ConfigWiz-<time in format yyyy.mmdd-hhmmss>.log. You will find this, like all other trace files, in the directory <common_app_data>\Swyx\Traces. Here, <common_app_data> is the standard application directory of Windows, e.g. C:\ProgramData
Last modified date: 08/01/2019