help SwyxFax Server › Licenses
SwyxFax is an optional component for SwyxWare. The licensing of SwyxFax takes place centrally on the SwyxServer with the help of SwyxWare Administration. In doing so, the following are licensed:
*the number of SwyxFax users to whom fax documents are delivered and
*The number of fax channels, i.e. the number of documents to be sent or received simultaneously.
If you would like to add further fax channels or SwyxFax users to your original SwyxFax installation, you will need a new license key. This license key is added in the SwyxWare Administration (For online licensing information, see .).
If more SwyxFax users are configured than there are licenses for SwyxFax users, then the SwyxFax Server no longer starts. The message will be added to the eventlog "SwyxFax Server failed to start within 3 minutes. It keeps trying to start. Last error message was: License check failed (FaxChannel Licenses X/Y; FaxUser Licenses: X/Z)".
In such a case, remove the extra user fax numbers.
For online licensing information, see .
Last modified date: 08/01/2019