The Graphical Script Editor Blocks Overview Blocks for Access to the E-Mail Folder
Blocks for Access to the E-Mail Folder
The following blocks can be used to access your e-mails and to process your mailbox.
Block Type
Connect to Mail Server
Optional Blocks
A connection to a mail server is created. ( Connect to Mail Server).
Get Mailbox
Optional Blocks
Read the e-mails received in the inbox ( Get Mailbox).
Seek Mail
Optional Blocks
Navigates within the mails located in the mailbox ( Seek Mail).
Is First Mail
Optional Blocks
Checks whether the e-mail currently read is the first one ( Is First Mail).
Is Last Mail
Optional Blocks
Checks whether the e-mail currently read is the last one ( Is Last Mail).
Save Voicemail to File
Optional Blocks
The Voicemail is saved as a saved temporary file ) ( Save Voicemail to File).
Delete Mail
Optional Blocks
The current e-mail will be deleted and replaced by the next e-mail ( Delete Mail).
Get Mail Attributes
Optional Blocks
Queries the parameters of the e-mail and saves them in variable ( Get Mail Attributes).
Set Mail Attributes
Optional Blocks
Changes the status of the e-mail (Read/Unread) ( Set Mail Attributes).
Get Mail
Optional Blocks
Reads the e-mail. In the process, the contents of the individual fields are assigned to different variables ( Get Mail).
Connection ID
The first time you connect to a mail server (Block “Connect to Mail Server”), you must define an ID for this connection (Connection ID). For example, you can create several connections to different mail servers or several connections for different users. This Connection ID will be used to identify the mail server for all other blocks, which access this mail server in order to specifically identify the combination of mail server, user and directory.
Saved Temporary File
You can save an e-mail attachment, the Voicemail, to a temporary file. After doing this, you can listen to the Voicemail (using the block “Play Announcement”). There can only be one Voicemail saved as a temporary file at one time.