The Graphical Script Editor Blocks Optional Blocks - E-Mail Access Get Mail Attributes
Get Mail Attributes
The detail information for an e-mail and the contents of the e-mail can be savede in different variables. The following detailed information is available:
* Date
The date is saved as a string in the format
* Time
The time is saved as a string in the format
* Caller Number
If available, the number of the caller is saved as a string.
* Caller name
If the name could be resolved, it is available as string.
* ‘Is Voicemail?’
Indicates whether the e-mail is a Voicemail (true) or not (false).
* Message duration
Length of the message in seconds.
* ‘Is read’
Indicates whether the e-mail is marked as ‘read’ (true) or not (false).
* ‘Has TEXT/HTML body’
Indicates whether it contains a text in HTML format.
* ‘Has TEXT/PLAIN body’
Indicates whether it contains a text in PLAIN format.
This action will be terminated, if
* the selected parameters have been saved in the associated variables, or
* save has failed, i.e. the selected parameters were not saved in the associated variables or
* no connection to the mail server could be created, or
* the call has been terminated.
Under "Properties", all three tabs "General", "Parameters" and "Connections" tabs are available for this block.
This is how you define the parameters for “Get Mail Attributes”
1 From the dropdown list, select the unique name for the connection.
2 Activate the checkbox of the parameter you want to save and enter the variable in which the corresponding parameter should be saved.
3 Click on “OK”.
The “Get Mail Attributes” block can be seen on the grid interface and it available for further processing.