Call Routing Rule Wizard or Graphical Script Editor? User Rights
User Rights
The Call Routing Manager is a software component of SwyxWare. The system administrator must then grant the user the right to create rules using the Call Routing Manager and/or the Graphical Script Editor.
If the administrator has granted you the right to use the Call Routing Manager, you can activate, deactivate, rename, copy or delete all the rules you see in the Call Routing Manager. In addition, you can create new rules using theRule Wizard . See also Rule Wizard.
If the administrator has granted you the right to use the Graphical Script Editor, you can create new rules and edit existing ones. Furthermore, a user can import rules created by another user with the help of the Graphical Script Editor and apply them to his rule book by saving them there. This permission is independent of the installation of the option pack ‘ SwyxExtended Call Routing’ on the SwyxServer.
For further information, please see the Online Help of the „Graphical Script Editor“.
If you have the right to use the the Graphical Script Editor, make certain that the the Graphical Script Editor is installed. In the case of a user-defined installation, it is possible to install SwyxIt! without the Graphical Script Editor. In this situation, start the installation of SwyxIt! again and install the Graphical Script Editor.
In order for rules, which were created using the Graphical Script Editor to be taken into consideration by the SwyxServer, the ‘SwyxECR’ option pack must be installed. If the pack is not installed, these rules will be ignored by the Call Routing Manager, regardless of whether they are activated or not. No error message will be issued! Only the scripts (templates) supplied by Swyx can be run on a SwyxServer even without this option pack.
In SwyxWare Administration , the system administrator can define rules for a user, who does not have the authorization to create rules himself. For further information, please refer to the SwyxWare Administrator documentation.
Regardless of the rights granted, you can configure your simple redirections (immediate, if busy, delayed) within SwyxIt! . These redirections are only represented by the system rules in the Call Routing Manager.