Call Routing Rule Wizard or Graphical Script Editor?
Rule Wizard or Graphical Script Editor?
To create and edit the rules of the rule book you can choose between the Rule Wizard and the Graphical Script Editor. The rule book containing all rules, is stored for you on the SwyxServer.
If you select a rule for editing, the Call Routing Manager will open the corresponding editing program, which means either the Rule Wizard or the the Graphical Script Editor will open. If you create a new rule, you can choose between using the Rule Wizard and the Graphical Script Editor.
The following is a description of some differences between these editing programs:
Editing Rules
If a rule was created with the Rule Wizard, it will appear in the Call Routing Manager as an activated rule, which is indicated with a checkmark. In the window “Description: This rule shall apply…”, an automatically generated text will appear. In this text you will see the parameters that can be changed underlined in blue.
If a rule was created and saved using the the Graphical Script Editor, the script will be checked for errors and -if it is error free- it will be added to the Rule Book of the Call Routing Manager. It will also appear as an activated rule. In the window “Description: This Rule shall apply...”, you will find the text you added during the rule creation process . To change parameters, you must once again edit this rule using the the Graphical Script Editor. If the script still contains errors, it is only possible to save the script as a draft. A draft cannot be activated in the Rule Book. For further information, please see the Online Help of the „Graphical Script Editor“.
Sequence of Actions
To edit a sequence of actions or to create a new sequence of actions, open the Call Routing Manager and click on “Sequence of Actions…”. A wizard will appear together with the window “Sequence of Actions-Definition”. This window shows all actions used in the sequence, together with the current parameters.
To create or edit an action using the the Graphical Script Editor, open the shortcut menu of an action. For further information, please see the Online Help of the „Graphical Script Editor“.
Activate Rule or Sequence of Actions
If a rule, action or sequence of actions is highlighted in the Call Routing Manager, the corresponding description will be displayed. If a rule or sequence of actions was created using the Rule Wizard, the parameters are underlined in blue and you can change them immediately by clicking on them.
If the rule or sequence of actions was created using the Graphical Script Editor, you must first call the Graphical Script Editor to change the parameters and to edit the rule once again.
It is not possible to convert the rule created using one Editor into the format of the other Editor.