You must install VisualGroups on the same computer you use for SwyxWare.
For the installation SwyxWare system administrator rights are required.
For operating VisualGroups Microsoft IIS is required. If Microsoft IIS is not installed, it will be installed via the VisualGroups installation wizard.
The queue users, included in your license, are installed automatically via installation wizard. You can create additional queues via web portal after you have purchased additional licenses. After the configuration of queues you must assign a number to each user created for the queues. See chapter “Numbers and Number Mappings” in the SwyxWare documentation.
You must assign one of the VisualGroups skins to the users’ SwyxIt! or Netphone clients so they can receive and display queue calls.
For information on licensing see the SwyxWare documentation, chapter “Licensing, Licensing via licence key, Options and option packs, Swyx VisualGroups“.
Check if your license is valid before configuring VisualGroups. Hints of invalid licensing appear on the web portal start page.
How to install VisualGroups 
1 Define the following firewall settings on your server:
Inbound + Outbound
Inbound + Outbound
2 Download the “SwyxPLUSVisualGroupsInstaller.exe” from the Swyx website and start the installation.
3 From the dropdown list select the required language.
*The VisualGroups installation wizard start page appears.
4 Click on “Next" to start the installation.
5 Activate the checkbox to accept the license agreement.
6 Click on "Next ".
*Your system is being checked.
7 Click on "Next ".
8 Click on “Browse” and select a memory location, if applicable.
If you remove the IIS website on which VisualGroups is active or the virtual directory for VisualGroups you cannot use VisualGroups anymore and have to reinstall the application.
*Your system is being searched for a SwyxWare and a SQL database installation.
* The name of your SQL server instance appears.
9 Depending on your configuration you can select “Windows authentication” or „SQL server authentication“.
The usage of Authlite Two Factor solutions or similar products might result in an installation error when using Windows Authentication for the SQL connection. It is therefore recommended that you use SQL authentication.
10 Click on "Next ".
*An overview of your IIS installation settings appears.
11 Click on "Next ".
*VisualGroups is being installed.
Your system may be restarted automatically during the installation, depending on which Windows components are already installed. The restart can cause an interruption of the telephony functions on your server. The installation assistant will be restarted automatically after the interruption. The installation will continue with the step where the interruption occurred.
12 Click on the link to configure VisualGroups via Web Portal.
*You are forwarded to the configuration wizard and can configure VisualGroups initially, see Configuring initially.
If you have a large number of VisualGroups users (about 400 or more), it is recommended to adjust the client sided update time.
Enter the desired value in milliseconds in the registry key "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Swyx\VisualGroups\userinterval".
For example, enter “5000” to set the update time to 5 seconds. The default value is “3000”.
Last modified date: 12.12.2019