help • 8 Creating and editing UC Tenants • Viewing, filtering and exporting the change log for UC Tenants and Resource Management Service (RMS)
8.34 Viewing, filtering and exporting the change log for UC Tenants and Resource Management Service (RMS)
All changes to UC Tenants and RMS made via SwyxON Portal are recorded in the change log. You can filter the list to only see the changes made in a certain period of time.
When saving and processing personal data, observe the appropriate applicable legal data protection regulations.
You can track changes on SwyxON for 90 days in each case. The changes are no longer be accessible afterward.
The change log for changes made via SwyxWare Administration to UC Tenants is available to you in the SwyxWare Administration. For more information, see$.
To view, filter and export the change log for a UC Tenant
1 Select in the menu UC Tenant.
*A list appears with all UC Tenants in SwyxON.
2 In the row of the corresponding UC tenant, click on Select.
*The submenu for UC Tenant.
3 Select in the menu UC Tenant | Change Log | UC Tenant to display the change log of a UC tenant.
4 Click on the entry fields and select the start date in the calendar (left entry field) as well as the end date (right entry field) for the time period during which changes should be shown on the list.
5 Click on Display change log to display the 'Changes for the selected period in the list.
6 To access further information, click on :
Date of change
User name
User who made the change
Kind of modification
Explanation for the change
Example: User configuration changed
Label of the changed element
Example: User, function
Item name
Name of the changed element
Example: John Jones, SwyxBCR
Billing relevant
= change affects billing
Original value
Value saved in the database before the change
Modified value
Value saved in the database after the change
Host name
Computer where the change has been made
Attribute name
Name of the changed attribute
7 Click on Export change log to export the displayed change log to a file.
8 Save the downloaded file.
To view the RMS change log
1 In the menu, select UC Tenant | Change Log | RMS to display the RMS change log.
*A list appears with all creation and update tasks for the selected UC Tenant.
2 To access further information, click on :
*Time and date of change
*Name of the change