help • 8 Creating and editing UC Tenants • Ordering quotas for Feature Profiles
8.27 Ordering quotas for Feature Profiles
You can order quotas for Feature Profiles by defining the maximum number of users who can use a Feature Profile.
Ordering quotas for Feature Profiles is subject to fees. By clicking on Order with costs you enter into a payment obligation. For information regarding the licensing procedure in SwyxON see the performance specification.
If the maximum number is 0, you must order quotas so that further users can use the Feature Profile.
To order quotas for Feature Profiles
1 Select in the menu UC Tenant.
*A list appears with all UC Tenants or the selected Partner’s UC Tenants.
2 In the row of the corresponding UC tenant, click on Select.
*The following submenu appears UC Tenant. You can edit the settings for the selected UC Tenant.
3 In the menu, select UC Tenant | Licenses.
4 Click on Function profiles.
5 Click on Update to retrieve the current usage capacity from the system again.
6 In the line of the appropriate Feature Profile, click on .
Maximum number of users who can use the selected Feature Profile
Increase the number by the additional quantity you wish to order.
Number of users who can currently use the selected Feature Profile
Standard profile
Activate the check box, if you want the selected Feature Profile to be used as the default for all subsequently created Users.
7 Click on Save.
Check under New the quantity to order.
8 Click on Order with costs