7 Creating and editing Feature Profiles
A Feature Profile consists of the individual features available to a User in SwyxON. The profiles "M" and "L" are preconfigured and include all the features ordered.
Through platform-level Feature Profiles, you define the functions that are available to partners.
As of SwyxON version 2.55, Feature Profiles can only be created and edited by platform administrators. Existing customer-specific Feature Profiles created by partners can be used until further notice, but cannot be changed.
You are provided with the following options for creating Feature Profiles:

Customizing the preconfigured Feature Profiles

Creating Feature Profiles
By default, the Feature Profiles preconfigured by Enreach must be used unchanged.
If a customer-specific Feature Profile was created before V.2.55, you can replace a preconfigured profile with this customer-specific profile, see section
7.3 Replacing Feature Profiles.
For information regarding the licensing procedure in SwyxON see the performance specification.
The options on menu pages and in configuration wizards depend on your administration profile and on which menu entry you accessed the configuration wizard.
Flat-Rate Feature Profiles
As platform administrator, you can create feature profiles in which particular functions are not to be billed. Instead, only the number of such feature profiles ordered for a customer is billed. The use of particular features is not recorded in usage reports.
First create a function profile with the required functions and then activate
Features of this profile will not be accounted, see
7.1 Editing Feature Profiles, step
Function profiles with flat rate billing are marked with a check mark in the Profile Price column.