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18.6 Swyx Desktop for macOS aufräumen
Reagiert Swyx Desktop for macOS direkt nach dem Start nicht oder sollten Sie eine stark verzögerte Performance feststellen, hilft möglicherweise das Aufräumen von Swyx Desktop for macOS.
So räumen Sie Swyx Desktop for macOS auf 
1 Führen Sie folgenden Befehl in der Terminal-App aus:
osascript -e 'quit app "Swyx Desktop"'
mkdir ~/Desktop/SwyxDB
cp -R ~/Library/Containers/com.swyx.Swyx-Desktop/Data/Library/Application\ Support/default.realm* ~/Desktop/SwyxDB/
rm -R ~/Library/Containers/com.swyx.Swyx-Desktop/Data/Library/Application\ Support/default.realm*
Swyx Desktop for macOS wird beendet. Es wird ein Ordner „SwyxDB“ erstellt, in den die realm-Datenbankdateien aus dem Sandbox-Container kopiert werden. Anschließend wird dieser Ordner gelöscht.
So räumen Sie Swyx Desktop for macOS mit Hilfe eines Skripts auf 
1 Kopieren Sie folgenden Text in einen Editor und speichern Sie die Datei zum Beispiel unter dem Namen „“. ab. Führen Sie das Skript anschließend aus.
# This script delete the container folder of Swyx
# and restart the preference process.
# Useful to have a fresh clean start of the MacOS App.
printf "Swyx cleaner script.\n"
printf "VERSION: 1.3 - 31-05-2017"
printf "\n"
printf "This script performs the following steps:\n"
printf "1) Killing any running Swyx-Desktop process.\n"
printf "2) Delete the app user defaults.\n"
printf "3) Delete the app container folder.\n"
printf "4) Kill the preferences process.\n"
printf "5) (Optional) Reset the MacOS Privacy setting for the local contact access.\n"
printf "6) (Optional) Reset the MacOS extended file attributes for Application/Swyx\\n"
printf "\n\n"
echo "Kill Swyx-Desktop processes"
kill -9 $(ps -ax | grep "Swyx Desktop" | awk '{printf "%i ", $1}') 2> /dev/null
echo "Deleting Swyx user defaults"
defaults delete "com.swyx.Swyx-Desktop"
echo "Deleting container folder"
rm -r ~/Library/Containers/com.swyx.Swyx-Desktop 2>/dev/null
PID=`(ps -ef | grep cfprefsd | grep agent | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')`
if [ -z $PID ]; then
echo "Process cfprefsd not found. Skipped."
echo "The process cfprefsdi with ID $PID is going to be killed."
kill -9 $PID 2>/dev/null
# Alternatively, should this not work properly: try to kill all cfprefsd services (deamon too) with
# command below (may require sudo)
# killall cfprefsd
# Execute this command if you want to reset also the Contact Access Preference
while true; do
read -p "Do you want to clean the contact privacy settings? [Y/N]" yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* )
tccutil reset AddressBook;
echo "Contact privacy access cleaned";
[Nn]* )
echo "Contact privacy access clean skipped";
* ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
# This command may resolve issues when the OS is flagging the app bundle as corrupt or untrusted.
# Not clear why/when this happens but it was observer on Yosemitee & El Capian and may be linked signing certificates
# that were renewed. The OS then asks to move the app to trash when double-clicked
while true; do
read -p "Do you want to reset extended file attributes on /Applications/Swyx\ [Y/N]" yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* )
xattr -rc /Applications/Swyx\;
echo "Extended file attributes reset";
[Nn]* )
* ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
echo "Done."
Zuletzt geändertes Datum: 17.12.2021