help | 1 Swyx Meeting | Recording meetings
1.23 Recording meetings
As a host, you can record the audio and video transmission of a meeting. All guests are notified of the recording.
When saving and processing personal data, observe the respective applicable legal data protection regulations. If you have any questions especially regarding data protection in SwyxWare, please contact your administrator.
This feature is only available with Swyx Meeting 10.
All participants are notified about the recording via an acoustic signal and an entry in the group chat window.
The recordings are saved in .WEBM format. You can play the format e.g. via Google Chrome or VLC media player.
To record a meetingĀ 
1 Click on .
*The list of all guests appears.
2 Click on .
*The recording starts.
3 Click on to stop recording.
*The file is downloaded and stored in your browser download directory.
Drag & Drop the file from the directory into an empty browser tab to play it in Google Chrome. Drag the file into the Swyx Meeting browser tab to share the recording with the meeting guests.
Last modified date: 05.02.2023