help | 1 Swyx Meeting | Inviting guests
1.7 Inviting guests
You can invite guests before or during a meeting. In addition, you can send a calendar entry, which is stored in your and your guests’ default calendar program. The maximum number of participants is determined by your Swyx Meeting license. Please contact your administrator for further information.
Participants, that use the dial-in option are not added to the maximum number of participants, i.e. the number of participants that dial in is not limited by your license.
The dial-in feature is only available with Swyx Meeting 10.
To invite guests via email 
1 Start a meeting.
2 In an empty meeting room, click on COPY ROOM LINK.
*A short invitation text with the web link to your meeting is copied to your clipboard.
*The complete invitation text with web and dial-in link is copied to your clipboard.
4 Send the automatically generated link via e-mail to the appropriate persons.
To send a calendar entry 
1 In an empty meeting room, click on CREATE INVITE and on CALENDAR INVITE.
*An input field appears.
2 Enter a subject for the meeting.
3 Select the date and time.
4 Click on DOWNLOAD.
*The file is downloaded and stored in your browser download directory.
5 Open the file.
*A window appears in your default calendar program.
6 Send the calendar entry with meeting link, meeting ID and dial-in numbers via email to the appropriate people.
*Once the recipients have confirmed the meeting request, the calendar entry is saved in their calendar.
You can also save the calendar entry first in your calendar program and send it later.
To add guests during a meeting 
1 Click on and then on and on .
*The web link to your meeting is copied to your clipboard.
Under this menu item you can see the current and maximum number of participants for your meeting.
2 Click on and then on and on .
*The web link to your meeting is copied to your clipboard.
3 Send the automatically generated link via e-mail to the appropriate people.
Last modified date: 05.02.2023