help | 22 Scripts | Remote Inquiry
22.4 Remote Inquiry
Remote inquiry allows the user to listen to the voice messages as well as to change the instant call forwarding from any telephone line. When a user is called at the or her own SwyxWare number, he or she identifies him/herself to SwyxWare with a Remote access PIN; only then can he or she listen to, repeat, or delete new voice messages and afterwards all existing voice messages.
When configuring Voice Box, you must indicate that pressing the * button should be linked to Remote Inquiry. After entry and verification of the PIN, the caller has several options to choose from. These can be selected from the menus.
To change the Call Forwarding, follow the instructions in the Remote Inquiry menu. SwyxIt! Users can configure the remote inquiry within the Call Forwarding themselves. The administrator must set up this remote inquiry functionality for the SwyxPhone users. See also$.
This is how you set up Remote Inquiry for a user 
1 Open the user properties and select the "Call Forwardings" dialog.
2 Define the Standard Voice Box, and in doing so activate the option "Start Remote Inquiry using the * key".
The announcement of the Standard Voice Box provides the option of going to the Remote Inquiry menu using the * key.
3 Then define the PIN for Remote Inquiry, see Tab „Standard Remote Inquiry"
4 Make certain that it is possible to reach the Remote Inquiry menu with a phone call.
Last modified date: 01/24/2024