The File Menu
The commands in this menu are used for
*creating a new script file
*importing, exporting, and saving script files (RSE or ASE files),
*setting the script properties,
*printing the script, and
*exiting the Graphical Script Editor.
Menu Command
Creates a new script under the name given including the necessary default blocks for a new rule or action. All optional blocks will be deleted.
Opens a saved rule or action script, which is not stored on SwyxServer.
Saves the script in a directory you want under the new name.
The script will then be checked for errors and, if it is error-free, it will be applied to the Rulebook of the Call Routing Managers under the name given. If the script is not free of errors, it can only be saved as a draft to be worked on again later.
Save As…
The script will then be checked for errors and, if it is error-free, it will be applied to the Rulebook of the Call Routing Managers under a new name. If the script is not free of errors, it can only be saved as a draft to be worked on again later.
Save Draft
The script is saved as a draft under its original name.
Save Draft As…
The script is saved as a draft under a new name.
Script Properties...
Opens the window containing the general script properties Here you can change the script name, author, description and the block appearance.
Prints the blocks and connections of a script.
Print Preview
Shows a preview of the page to be printed.
Page Setup…
Defines the print view of the script.
Recent File
Displays the last four files used.
Ends the Graphical Script Editor.