help Telephoning with SwyxIt! - First Steps › Directly forwarding a call
Directly forwarding a call
If you are receiving a call you can transfer this call to another subscriber or to your Voicemail without accepting the call. You can use the functions in the line's context menu for this, or the Drag&Drop function if a corresponding speed dial has been configured.
To transfer a call without accepting 
You are receiving a call.
1 Click with the right mouse button on the Line.
A context menu will open.
2 You have now two options:
*Click on "Transfer to Voicemail" to transfer the call to your Voicemail
*Click on "Transfer to Number" to transfer the call to another subscriber. You can then enter the number of the subscriber or dial from the SwyxIt! phonebook.
The call is then immediately transferred.
1 Drag the line button with the incoming call by Drag&Drop to a configured speed dial, or to the Voicemail button ("New Voicemails").
The call is then immediately transferred.
Last modified date: 08.12.2020