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Swyx Connector für Notes Installation
Install Swyx Connector für Notes as part of the SwyxIt! installation. See also Installing. Thus, any Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes functions are available on the SwyxIt! interface (e.g. options in the context menu of the Speed Dials).
To use Swyx Connector für Notes you need at least Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes V9.
To install Swyx Connector für Notes 
1 Close Lotus/IBM/HCL Notes if open.
2 Start the SwyxIt! Installation wizard (see To install SwyxIt!) and follow the wizard's instructions.
3 As installation type, select the option “Customized”. By selecting this option, you can install components separately.
4 Select the “Notes” component and proceed with the installation as described under To install SwyxIt!.
Last modified date: 08.12.2020