Subscribers are combined into a logical unit called a group. The administrator is responsible for creating groups and assigning members to groups. Thus, you can combine all of the company’s sales employees into a group called “Sales”, for example. The group itself is assigned its own extension number (group extension).
When a group extension call is received, the telephone will ring for all members of the group (group call). The telephone call can then be taken by any group member. The administrator can also define groups with a specific call allocation. In this case, according to the definition the call is first forwarded to a specific member of the group - if it is not accepted there, e.g. because the employee is not at his desk or is already on the phone, the call is forwarded to the next member of the group. The administrator can define an order in which the group members are dialed, but can also specify random call allocation.
Last modified date: 08.12.2020