help SwyxIt! Functions in DetailConference › Starting a Conference
Starting a Conference
You have at least two lines with the state of “Active” or “On Hold”. This provides you with the option of creating a conference between these subscribers and yourself.
To start a conference call 
Requirement: You have at least two lines with the state of “Active” or “On Hold”.
1 Click on the “Conference” button.
1 In the context menu of the line button, select “Conference (All Lines)”.
All of the individual calls which you are currently having, both the active and held calls, will be joined into one conference. All lines, except for the conference line, will be free again. The message "Conference" appears on the conference line. A welcome signal will be produced for all conference participants.
1 In the context menu of the line button, “Start Conference on this Line”.
In this case, the conference will only be started with this line. Other lines can be added subsequently, e.g. by drag & drop.
1 Use Drag&Drop to move the line on hold to the active one.
The active line becomes the Conference line and the line on hold is free again.
1 Use Drag&Drop to move the lines to the “Conference” button.
The active line becomes the Conference line and the line on hold is free again.
In the last three cases, you can choose the lines which are to be added to the conference.
Please remember that you can only start one conference at a time. However, it is possible to participate in more than one conference call simultaneously, provided these conferences have been initiated by other participants.
Last modified date: 08.12.2020