help Swyx Messenger › Sending instant messages via SwyxIt!
Sending instant messages via SwyxIt!
You can start Swyx Messenger via the toolbar on the SwyxIt! interface, via the context menu of a speed dial or from a list (phone book or call journal).
If you click on "Close" in Swyx Messenger, it will be minimized in the Windows system tray and remains accessible.
Requirements for sending instant messages
*Both users must use either the Messenger function of SwyxIt!, Swyx Desktop for macOS, Swyx Mobile for iOS or Swyx Mobile for Android.
*There must be an internet connection.
To send an instant message using a Speed Dial 
1 Right-click on the Speed Dial, or click on the arrow on the Speed Dial.
*The context menu will appear.
2 Select "Send instant message" from the context menu or click on .
*The Swyx Messenger will be started and the chat window of the selected contact will be opened.
3 Enter your message in the message box.
4 Press the Enter key.
*The selected contact receives the message.
To send an instant message from a list 
1 Open the Phonebook or the Call Journal.
2 Click on a list entry.
3 In the toolbar, click on the "Instant Message" button.
*The Swyx Messenger will be started and the chat window of the selected contact will be opened.
4 Enter your message in the message box.
5 Press the Enter key.
*The selected contact receives the message.
Last modified date: 08.12.2020