help Trunks and Trunk Groups › Setting up trunks and trunk groups › Editing trunks and trunk groups
Editing trunks and trunk groups
If parameters of a trunk or trunk group are changed, you can update the new parameters in the properties of this trunk or the trunk group.
This is how you edit a trunk or a trunk group 
1 Open the SwyxWare Administration.
Open the trunks or trunk groups.
2 Highlight the trunk or trunk group that you want to edit.
3 In the context menu (right mouse button) of the trunk or trunk group, select "Properties".
The window labeled "Properties of ...." will open.
You will now see different tabs depending on the type of trunk or trunk group.
4 Make the necessary changes, then click on "OK".
The trunk or trunk group adopts the changed parameters at once.
Last modified date: 08/20/2020