Swyx Voicemail Player
With the Swyx Voicemail Player, you can listen to your voicemails directly in Microsoft Outlook, without having to install any additional software.
You can specify whether the Player is started after opening a voicemail message, or before, by clicking on the closed message in the reading pane. In a new installation these functions are activated as default. You will find information on activating/deactivating the function under To define the behavior of Outlook Contacts, the Swyx Voicemail Players and the Outlook Journal.
You can open several voicemail messages and play them alternately, while simultaneously searching for further voicemails.
Retrieving your Voicemails from Outlook 
1 Start Outlook.
2 Click on a voicemail message in the navigation pane or open the message (according to configuration). The Swyx Voicemail Player appears on top of the message:
*Click on to listen to voicemail.
*Click on to pause playing the file.
*Click on to stop playing the file.
*Use the slider to get to another part of the message.
*Use the volume control to adjust the volume.
The volume corresponds to the SwyxIt!'s volume by default, which is adjusted separately for each audio mode.
*Use the dropdown list (top right) to select the audio mode for the output.
If you select none, the audio mode set as standard in SwyxIt! will be used. You can select the audio mode with the audio device by using the hook off/ hook on function.
In the SwyxIt! local settings, you can assign the audio devices to the audio modes (To configure the settings for the use of the audio devices).
Last modified date: 07/09/2019