help Microsoft Outlook – Telephoning with SwyxIt!SwyxIt! and Microsoft Outlook › Displaying and creating Outlook Contacts from lists
Displaying and creating Outlook Contacts from lists
In SwyxIt! you can create or open Outlook contacts directly from various lists (e.g. the phonebook). You are provided with this function in the following lists:
*Caller list
*Redial list
*List of the Recorded Conversations
*Phonebook (Global and Personal)
*Callback Requests List
The call number is used for checking whether a contact is already present. If a corresponding contact is found, it is displayed. The contact which is the best possible match will always be displayed. If an internal call from the extension number 123 is received and you have a contact “Meyer” with the number “+49 (231) 444123” and a contact “Jones” with the number “123”, in this case the contact “Jones” will be displayed.
If no contact is present, a new contact is created, but not yet saved directly. You can then process the new contact as necessary in Outlook and save it.
To open a Contact from a list 
1 Start Outlook.
2 Open the SwyxIt! list (e.g. the caller list), from which you want to open the contact.
3 Highlight the contact and click on the “Contact” button.
An existing Outlook Contact is opened, or a new contact is created. A call is correlated to a contact by means of the number.
4 When you have created a new contact, adjust it as necessary and save it in Outlook.
Last modified date: 07/09/2019