help LinesTelephony Functions › Connecting without Inquiry (Blind Call Transfer)
Connecting without Inquiry (Blind Call Transfer)
You can transfer a call directly, before the connection has been made.
To make a blind call transfer 
You are telephoning with a conversation partner.
A call comes in for you.
1 If you have assigned a destination subscriber to a Speed Dial, and you would like to transfer this call to this subscriber, just use Drag&Drop to drag the Line button onto the Speed Dial.
1 Right-click on the line which is being used for the incoming call.
2 In the context menu, select the option “Call Transfer”.
3 Enter the number of the destination to which you would like to transfer the first call.
The call is forwarded and your line becomes inactive.
If the connection to the destination subscriber is not successfully made within 20 seconds, the call originally received will appear as a call on hold in your SwyxIt!. You can either pick up this call or, if necessary, transfer it to another number. If the desired call partner has configured immediate or delayed call forwarding (with less than 20 seconds of delay), the call will be forwarded according to the respective configuration.
Last modified date: 07/09/2019