Use the "Hold" function to put the currently active call on hold, for example if you want to make an enquiry or start a second call. When a call is put on hold, your conversation partner hears music on hold. The line button shows the message "On hold" and the line icon changes accordingly.
To re-activate the connection on hold, click once again on the “Hold” or the Line button.
To put a telephone call on hold 
You are having a telephone conversation on a line.
1 Click on the ”Hold” button.
The call is put on hold.
1 Click with the right mouse button on the line on which you are having a conversation.
2 In the context menu for the line, choose the option "Hold".
The call is put on hold.
1 Click on a different line or start a further call (e.g. from the phonebook or directly with a speed dial button). A further line will be activated and the current call will be put on hold.
To re-activate the connection on hold, click once again on the “Hold” or the Line button.
Last modified date: 07/09/2019