help SwyxIt! Functions in DetailVideo › Video function
Video function
Within video functionality, a distinction is made between
*Video data that you send to your call partner (outgoing video data)
*Video data that you receive from your call partner (incoming video data).
SwyxIt!'s actions can be separately configured for the transmission of outgoing and of incoming video data. For example, you can state that you always (or never) want to receive incoming video data, whether you want to transmit your own video data to your call partner on each call, or if you want to decide this individually during each call.
In a video call, SwyxIt! opens a window for each video data transfer. In other words, a window is opened in which you see your call partner (only when he sends video data), and a further window in which you see your own video image, just as your call partner sees it.
If you terminate your video data transmission during the call, the window showing your video image on your call partner's side is also automatically closed. Similarly, the window on your side with your own video image is closed if your call partner closes the window on his side, in which he can see you.
You can adjust the size and position of both windows as you wish. SwyxIt! saves the size and position, and positions the windows for a renewed video call according to the previous settings.
Last modified date: 07/09/2019