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Call Intrusion
The "SwyxMonitor" option pack enables, in addition to permanent call recording (only for the administrator), intrusion into another user's conversation. A supervisor (e.g. in a call center) can listen in on an ongoing conversation ("Listening only" mode), give directions to the speaking agent (e.g. advice on presenting the case) or even actively join in the call (speaking modes).
You are obliged to adhere to any legal requirements when using the option pack. If you have any questions especially regarding data protection in SwyxWare, please contact your administrator.
The "SwyxMonitor" option pack must be installed for Call Intrusion, and the SwyxWare administrator must activate this function appropriately for each individual user.
Also, calls can only be listened in on if they are made directly with SwyxIt! (and not in CTI mode). Conversations that are made via a SwyxPhone, cannot be intruded.
To listen in on a call 
1 Dial the number of the agent whose call you want to hear, followed by the DTMF command *24*1#, and start the call as usual. Please note that you can only start the call set-up with the DTMF command for the "Listening only" mode. However, if another supervisor is already listening in on this call in a speaking mode, you will also be switched immediately into this mode.
The number of the agent will be dialed. There is no call signaling to the agent, the call is accepted directly and coupled with the active call. You are now listening in on the call, but you are not heard by the two call partners.
If the agent is not on an active call at the time, the call set-up is aborted. The agent's call redirections (e.g. forwarding of a second call to voicemail or to a colleague) are ignored, i.e. the call is always accepted. An exception is Unconditional Call Forwarding - in this case even Call Intrusion is redirected.
2 Choose the appropriate DTMF command to speak with the agent or both call partners.
3 End the listening like a normal call, e.g. by replacing the handset.
If the agent's call partner (e.g. the customer) terminates the conversation, you are automatically connected to the agent, unless you are in "Listening only" mode, in which case the call will be ended.
DTMF command
Listening only
You hear both call partners.
Listen to both sides, speak with agent.
You hear both call partners, and the agent hears you. The other call partner (e.g. the external customer) hears only the agent.
Listen to both sides, speak with both sides.
You can participate directly in the conversation.
Last modified date: 07/09/2019