Moving/Copying Speed Dials
You can also copy or move Speed Dials by Drag & Drop within the area of the Speed Dials. You can conveniently rearrange your configured Speed Dials by moving them. The Speed Dial (with corresponding number, e.g. no.3) is not only moved: the assignment and settings are assigned to another Speed Dial (e.g. no.6).
Any previously existing configuration of the target button (here no.6) will be overwritten.
To move/copy a Speed Dial 
1 To move a Speed Dial, simply drag&drop the Speed Dial to the desired position within the area of the Speed Dials.
Please note the tooltips when doing this - they indicate whether you have selected a valid destination position.
2 Confirm the operation in the next message dialog with "OK".
To copy a Speed Dial, proceed in the same way as for moving it. Hold down the Ctrl key during the drag&drop action.
Last modified date: 07/09/2019